Promover el éxito y la rentabilidad de los miembros a través de
de la comunidad empresarial del área de Kearney.
La Cámara de Comercio del Área de Kearney (KACC) es una organización de empresas que busca promover sus intereses colectivos y, al mismo tiempo, promover la comunidad y la región de Kearney. Los propietarios de empresas y los empleados de la zona se conectan para defender la prosperidad económica y los intereses comerciales de la comunidad en general.
La Cámara de Comercio de Kearney es una cámara acreditada con cinco estrellas por la Cámara de Comercio de los Estados Unidos. El objetivo del Programa de Acreditación de la Cámara de Comercio de los Estados Unidos es facilitar la excelencia continua en la industria de las cámaras y fomentar un entorno favorable a los negocios en todo Estados Unidos. Al obtener la Acreditación de la Cámara de Comercio de los Estados Unidos, la Cámara de Comercio de Kearney demuestra su dedicación a:
Revisar, mejorar y promover prácticas comerciales sólidas
Reconociendo el liderazgo y las contribuciones destacadas a la comunidad
Apoyar los principios de la libre empresa y promover políticas favorables al crecimiento a nivel federal, estatal y local.
Establecer las mejores prácticas y mantenerse al día con los cambios de la industria.
Las empresas locales son miembros voluntarios de la Cámara del Área de Kearney. Actualmente, la cámara cuenta con más de 860 miembros, lo que la convierte en la tercera cámara más grande en términos de membresía en el estado de Nebraska. Entre los miembros se incluyen empresas y particulares.
La Junta Directiva establece las políticas y guía el funcionamiento de la cámara. Luego, la Junta contrata a un Presidente/Director Ejecutivo, quien contrata una cantidad adecuada y asequible de personal para dirigir la organización. Para obtener más información sobre la membresía de la Cámara, visite nuestra página de Miembros .

Los 25 años posteriores al centenario de Kearney en 1973 marcaron años de crecimiento y logros significativos para la Cámara de Comercio del Área de Kearney. La Cámara siempre había sido un aliado importante de la comunidad empresarial y un catalizador para el crecimiento. Su papel en el avance de la comunidad se aceleró entre 1973 y 1998.
En 1981-81, los intereses comerciales de Nebraska comenzaron a analizar el impacto significativo que el turismo tenía en el estado y cómo se podría impulsar más. Con una coalición de comunidades, incluidas las de Kearney y las empresas relacionadas con los visitantes, la Cámara Unicameral de Nebraska adoptó la LB499, un proyecto de ley para imponer un impuesto a las ventas del 2% y un impuesto opcional del condado del 1% sobre las habitaciones de moteles y hoteles y los espacios para acampar. Los ingresos de este impuesto se utilizarían únicamente para la promoción de atracciones e instalaciones relacionadas con los visitantes. La Cámara de Kearney fue uno de los líderes de este esfuerzo estatal.
Luego, en 1981, la Cámara de Comercio de Kearney firmó un contrato con el condado de Buffalo para administrar los ingresos del impuesto al alojamiento.
born the Buffalo County Convention and Visitors Bureau as a branch of the Chamber armed with $60,000 in annual revenue and the goal of increasing visitor activity in Buffalo County. The visitor bureau’s name was later changed to the Kearney Visitors Bureau but their mission of promoting local attractions, soliciting convention and corporate travel, and creating local activities has not changed over the years.In 2009 the Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce and the Kearney Visitors Bureau officially became separate organizations with separate leadership. The Kearney Visitors Bureau is still located in the Chamber Center and the two organizations work closely together to promote events, attractions and local activities. The Visitors Bureau has a full time staff of four, headed by Executive Director, Roger Jasnoch.
On October 15, 1980, far sighted business leaders identified the need for “ready” land for industrial development purposed in Kearney. Under the auspices of the Chamber, local leaders sold $350,000 in bonds for the purchase of 58.75 acres of prime industrial land from the3 City Airport Authority north of Eaton Corporation and east of Ace Irrigation. A separate non-profit entity, Kearney Industrial Park, Inc., was formed to sell the bonds and administer the marketing of the property.
By 1998, all 58.75 acres of the park had been sold to nearly 10 different businesses including Ward Laboratories, Top Hat Furniture, L & S Industries, and Brandt Construction.
The Chamber’s penchant for creating partnerships continued in the mid 1980’s with the formation of the Economic Development County of Buffalo County (EDCBC) on August 21, 1986. This unique organization comprised of the Chamber, City of Kearney and Buffalo County was designed to advance the area’s economic development efforts with a full time staff. Over the years, EDCBC has been instrumental in enhancing Kearney/Buffalo County’s position in the competitive world of economic development. Their efforts have been admirable pointing to the numerous success stories with housing projects, dairy operations, existing business growth, new business start-ups and steady employment growth. Today, EDCBC is still located in the Chamber Center and is headed by Executive Director, Darren Robinson.
1991 marked another “red letter” year for the Chamber with the creation of two new major programs. Under the guidance of former Chamber manager and President, Ben Homan, the Chamber formed the first Leadership Kearney group. The initial class of 30 people set out on a year-long training program designed to enhance their Leadership skills, advance their knowledge of the community and develop relationships to insure quality leadership well into the future. Three years after Leadership Kearney was formed, a Youth Leadership Kearney group was formed with similar trainings for high school age youth. Today, Leadership Kearney and Youth Leadership Kearney are stand-alone entities managed by a board of directors and partnerships with the Kearney Area Community Foundation and the Chamber.
Also in 1991, the Chamber’s Agriculture Committee joined forces with the Nebraska Cattlemen Association to form the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic. This week long event debuted with more than 400 head of purebred cattle being shown and sold from 11 different breeds. The Classic has become Nebraska’s livestock showcase, producing annual sales in the millions of dollars and buyers and sellers from many states and countries.The Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic is still housed in the Chamber Center and is headed by Ronette Bush.
As the Chamber moved through the 1990’s, it continued its scope of operation. With the growth of the Chamber’s programs came the need for larger facilities with more visibilities. In 1993, the Chamber moved from its downtown location to a site on South Second Avenue. The new location offered ample office space for the Chamber its subsidiary operations, a large conference room and visitor center to assist the traveling public more conveniently.
In 1994, the Chamber marked its 75th anniversary with special activities at its annual meeting and throughout the year. The following year, 1995, brought another anniversary, this one celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Gateway Farm Expo.Gateway is now Nebraska’s longest running agricultural equipment/services display show. Gateway is now independent from the Chamber and managed by a volunteer board of directors and KAAPA.
1996 marked the year the Chamber leadership created the Kearney Area Community Foundation. The formation of this nonprofit, charitable entity meant that generous donors now had a tax deductible organization which they could provide with donations. The Foundation has established a number of community funds, scholarships and grant programs. Today the organization is thriving under the leadership of Executive Director Judi Sickler.
Over the years, the title of the paid Chamber Director has changed from Manager, to Executive Director to President/CEO. Serving in this capacity since 1973 include Jon Daveline (1973-1978), Steve Hatcher (1978-1985), Bruce Blankenship (1985-1991), Roger Jasnoch (1994-2008), Greg Shea (2008-2009), Jan Rodehorst (2009-2013), Marion McDermott (2013- 2016), Max Kathol (2016-2017), Derek Rusher (2018-Present).
Courtesy of the Kearney Hub