Silla: Amy Cope, Servicios Agrícolas Cope, LLC
Vicepresidenta: Sarah Sawin, Ciudad de Kearney
Horario de reuniones: 1er martes de cada mes, alternando horarios entre el mediodía y las 4:00 p. m.
Envoys es un grupo de mujeres cuyo propósito es servir como brazo de relaciones públicas de la Cámara de Comercio del Área de Kearney.
Envoys hace esto organizando una reunión de miembros, asistiendo y promoviendo inauguraciones, inauguraciones de negocios, Gateway Farm Expo, la reunión anual de KACC, Friend and Youth Friend of Kearney y la feria del condado de Buffalo, y trabajando en el reclutamiento y retención de miembros.
Los Envoys están limitados a un Envoy por empresa, pero no a un máximo de miembros. Este grupo tiene una pequeña tarifa anual.

Deadline: November 14, 2025
Nominee must be able to attend the Annual Chamber Meeting on February 2nd, 2026.
The Friend of Kearney Award was created in 1987 by the Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce Envoys and is designed to honor a Kearney area individual or couple who has been a Friend of Kearney through his or her community leadership and contributions. This award recognizes the potential of all area residents as valued members and leaders of the Kearney area.
Deadline: November 14, 2025
Age requirement: junior in high school - age 21
Nominee must be able to attend the Annual Chamber Meeting on February 2nd, 2026.
The Youth Friend of Kearney Award was created by the Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce Envoys and is designed to honor a Kearney Youth who has been a Friend of Kearney through his or her community leadership and contributions. This award recognizes the potential of all area youth as valued members and leaders of the Kearney area